Most people under age 65 are required to get health insurance through their employer, through Medicaid or through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Learn more on
Security Health Plan's website.
You may want to buy health insurance through the Marketplace if:
You are uninsured.
Your employer is discontinuing employee group health insurance.
You want to buy your own plan, not through an employer.
Choices for affordable health insurance coverage are available.
Learn about your options.
Choose a health plan that includes your doctor and preferred providers for specialty, urgent and hospital care.
With more than 170 specialties and 60 locations, Marshfield Clinic health System offers a comprehensive network of care for all patients.
Check if the plan you're buying has your Marshfield Clinic doctor listed as "in-network." "In-network" means you will have lower out-of-pocket costs.
Marshfield Clinic's partner, Security Health Plan of Wisconsin Inc., offers plans in the Marketplace that include Marshfield Clinic doctors as "in-network." Security Health Plan serves 32 Wisconsin counties.
Learn about other
Marshfield Clinic contracted insurers and networks.
How to apply for health insurance through the Marketplace:
Security Health's website to learn about plan options that include Marshfield Clinic doctors as "in-network" or call 844-849-7838 to register for a seminar or talk to a Security Health Plan sales representative.
Call the Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325)

Be your own best advocate when making decisions about your health care. Start by learning about these 10 ways to be a wise health care consumer, via Shine365