A Message from the Vascular Surgery Program Director
Thank you for your interest in our ACGME-accredited Marshfield Clinic Vascular Surgery Fellowship, a program located at the Marshfield Medical Center (MMC). The Marshfield Vascular Surgery service has an active high volume of advanced and re-operative as well as standard peripheral vascular revascularization and aneurysm procedures as a tertiary referral center. Additionally, Marshfield Clinic Health System has a long history of commitment to outstanding medical education of students, residents and fellows. We strive to make our fellowship program one of the best available.
The vascular surgery fellowship program offers one position per year for each of the two years of the program. Please take the opportunity to review our fellowship information as we are confident that we will provide you with an excellent fellowship training. If you have any further questions please contact us. We look forward to hear from you

Ayman E. Ahmed, M.D., FACS, FSVS, RPVI
Program Director
Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program
Marshfield Medical Center
1000 North Oak Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 1-800-541-2895 or 715-389-4151
Aimie Eckelberg
Program Coordinator
Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program
Marshfield Medical Center
1000 North Oak Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 1-800-541-2895 or 715-389-4151
E-mail: eckelberg.aimie@marshfieldclinic.org