Some women may experience a bothersome protrusion of their pelvic organs (including the bladder, bowel or uterus/vagina) through the vagina. This is called pelvic organ prolapse and is caused by weakness of the support structures inside the pelvis that help keep organs in proper position. Prolapse is not a normal consequence of aging. Certain risk factors for developing prolapse include:
• Older age
• Obesity
• Chronic activities or behaviors that put stress on the pelvic floor (like strenuous exercises or chronic coughing from certain lung diseases)
• Vaginal deliveries
• Family history
Based on your symptoms, severity and needs, we can tailor a treatment plan for you that may include pelvic floor therapy, pessary or surgery. (A pessary is a non-surgical option where a small silicone device is inserted comfortably in the vagina to keep the prolapse from coming out of the body.)
Surgical options include vaginal reconstructive repairs using your own tissues or safe and effective biologic graft to reinforce weak tissues. Hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus, may or may not be necessary. Some women prefer to retain her uterus through a procedure called hysteropexy. We also offer minimally-invasive robotic surgery, especially in cases of large, post-hysterectomy prolapse.
Some women who desire an effective surgical option, but cannot undergo a long reconstructive procedure and don’t desire sexual intercourse, may consider colpocleisis. Colpocleisis is where the vagina is completely closed.